Welcome to the
North Florida Soap Box Derby

     North Florida Soap Box Derby is a Florida based not-for-profit organization. We are an All-American Soap Box Derby sanctioned soap box derby racing club for kids ages 7 to 18, run by volunteers.

     The 5th Annual North Florida Soap Box Derby championship race will be held on April 12, 2025. You are invited to come race in either the stock or super stock class. No experience racing or building a derby car is necessary. This is a free event.

     The race will take place on a street with a hill in front of Canopy Oaks Elementary School and Canopy Oaks Community Park on 3250 Point View Drive, Tallahassee, FL.

     The top finisher in each class earns a spot in the All-American Soap Box Derby World Championships in Akron, OH this July and a chance to win a college scholarship.

     A soap box derby car is not a Cub Scout pinewood derby car. Soap box derby is a gravity racing program for boys and girls where a kid assembles a full-size derby car kit, puts on a bike helmet, sits in the car, and then literally drives the car downhill on a straight stretch of road. The competition is one-on-one against another racer. The club can loan you a car to race or you can build your own car from a stock car kit purchased from the club or the All-American Soap Box Derby.

     Sign up early and be sure to buy your stock car kit today so you have enough time to build your car and practice.

     Contact Race Director Doug McAlarney at (850) 559-1986 or email doug@mcalarneylaw.com if you have any questions about Soap Box Derby generally or for more information about the race.

Race Schedule

Anyone between the ages of 7 and 20 years of age is eligible to compete.

Apr 12, 2025
Annual North Florida Soap Box Derby Local Race
Local Race

Become a

Take part in the tradition of the North Florida Soap Box Derby – Get started with the program today to discover the excitement of gravity racing!